Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Church Militant here on Earth

I tend to think of the "Daily Telegraph" as the "Daily Catholic Herald" because they are so Papist in their views - which, I suppose, is why they don't publish my letters unless I am praising the Pope!   So here's the latest one:      
"I can assure "Anglican leaders" that the Church of England will NOT be dead in 20 years (Article, July 13): we have Christ's own promise; hopefully, though, many of those "Anglican leaders" will be - and we might then have younger, more dynamic bishops (including women) who will fight tenaciously for the Church Militant here on Earth."
I think of the pathetic way the Archbishop of Canterbury appeared on a platform with the Archbishop of Westminster and did not point out that, just at the Church of Rome welcomes Anglicans, so the Church of England welcomes EVERYBODY.   Now I feel better.